The Australian Labor Party (ALP) proposed a number of amendments in the workplace and industrial relations space which, given the election outcome, the Albanese government is likely to pursue.
Category: Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality
Our latest news and insights
A collection of articles, case studies and media releases highlighting the latest in legal news and at Rigby Cooke Lawyers.

Recent amendment to the Land Tax Act to abolish “special land tax”
A recent amendment to the Land Tax Act has abolished “special land tax”. Special land tax was a one off tax charge at the rate of 5% of the unimproved value of the land. The abolition of the tax came into effect from the 16 December 2020.

COVID-19 flexibility schedule added to Hospitality Industry Award
Last night, the Fair Work Commission granted a joint Australian Hotels Association and United Workers Union application to insert a COVID-19 flexibility schedule in the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 (Award), which will operate from 24 March 2020 until 30 June 2020, with a possible extension upon application.

VCGLR announces expedited take-away liquor licences
To support the hospitality industry, the Victorian Commission for Liquor Licencing and Gambling Regulation (VCGLR) has announced a special temporary limited licence free of charge available to current liquor licensees that may be granted within 72 hours from application lodgement.

Know your lease rights and obligations
The current COVID-19 situation brings uncertain and unsettling times.
Rigby Cooke has received several enquiries from landlords and tenants alike regarding their rights and obligations under their lease.

Deduction of gaming machine expenditure
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has clarified the tax treatment of gaming machine entitlement fees expenditure deciding the amounts constitute a general deduction in the income year incurred.

Online review legal rights in spotlight ahead of busy summer season
Tourism and hospitality operators and retailers are being urged to smarten up on their legal rights regarding online reviews as the busy summer holiday season gets underway.

Penalty rates for Sunday and public holidays to be cut
On Thursday 23 February 2017, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) delivered its long awaited decision on penalty rates as part of its four yearly review of modern awards.

Caravan park owners: know your Awards
Avoid underpayment claims: This year’s award wage increases explained
Award rates and the national minimum wage increased by 2.4% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2016. Award allowances were also increased.