The Victorian Government has again extended Mandatory Vaccination requirements for workers and operators of specified facilities from 11.59pm 12 January 2022 under the Pandemic Orders1.
In addition to extending these Mandatory Vaccination requirements, some workers are now required to receive a third dose of an approved vaccine (booster shot) by 12 February 2022 if they became fully vaccinated on or before 12 September 2021.
For workers who became fully vaccinated after this date, the deadline varies depending on industry. By way of summary the following is a list of deadlines for booster shots if the worker is not eligible by 12 February 2022:
- residential aged care workers by 1 March 2022;
- health care workers by 29 March 2022; and
- disability, quarantine accommodation, correctional facilities, emergency services, and food distribution workers (including manufacturing workers who work at or in connection with premises for the distribution of food) by 12 March 2022.
The Pandemic Orders mirror the requirements for employers under the previous Mandatory Vaccination Directions. Employers must continue to ensure that workers meet the mandatory vaccination requirements or have a suitable medical exemption.
If you have any questions on how this may continue to affect your workplace, please get in touch with our Workplace Relations team.
1. See Pandemic Covid-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Specified Workers) Order 2022, Pandemic COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Specified Facilities) Order 2022; and Pandemic COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (General Workers) Order 2022.
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