The COVID-19 medical emergency highlights the importance of having a Will and Powers of Attorney in place. Now is the time to ensure you – and your loved ones – are protected by guaranteeing you have valid and effective medical and financial documents prepared.
Self-isolation: don’t be panicked by your inability to meet with us in person. This will not prevent you from implementing these vital and legally-binding documents. We can take instructions over the phone or by video conference, and have procedures in place to assist with regulatory witnessing requirements.
If you have any questions or concerns about the preparation of a Will and Powers of Attorney while in self-isolation, or wish to provide instructions to prepare these documents, please contact us for legal advice and assistance.
Learn more about:
- making a Will >
- the importance of having a valid Will >>
- enduring powers of attorney >>
- testamentary discretionary trusts >>
- superannuation death benefits >>
- appointing an executor and trustee >>
- guardianship and administration appointment by VCAT >>
- contesting a Will >>
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