Accommodating a growing client base in Melbourne’s south-east, Rigby Cooke Lawyers has opened a business hub in Dandenong South to serve business located in the region.
Located in Monash Drive, Dandenong South, the new space will provide Rigby Cooke with a base to interact with its clients in the growing region, including manufacturers, hotel and accommodation providers, health, logistics clients and trade exposed businesses and other commercial clients.
Rigby Cooke Lawyers Managing Partner Bill Karvela said the firm was making a strategic move as planners looked towards a decentralised future for Melbourne.
“We want to meet our clients where they are. Not just to provide more convenient service, but also to better understand their needs and their industries.” said Mr Karvela.
“We are making a genuine investment in our new business hub, and a serious commitment to our clients, and future clients, in the South East.”
“We want to support the growth aspirations of our clients outside of the CBD, and with a number of clients already in the South East, this is an expansion that makes sense for us.”
The new business hub is strongly supported by the Rigby Cooke Lawyers partnership, and the key practice and industry groups servicing the hub will include Corporate, Commercial & Intellectual Property, Employment & WHS, Customs & Trade, Property & Hotels, and Dispute Resolution and Insolvency, Manufacturing, Heath and Aged Care and Transport and Logistics.
Melbourne’s South-East region has been identified by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) as a National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC).The VPA identified seven NEICs in its Plan Melbourne 2017-2050, as key strategic hubs which will draw workers, students and visitors and bring significant investment and employment to Victorians.
According to the VPA the Dandenong NEIC currently employs more than 66,300 people.
The firm’s Manufacturing industry group leader and Commercial partner, Julia Cameron, said the firm’s vision for the South East region was consistent with growth patterns in other states.
“We have seen in Sydney the move to develop multiple CBDs as the city continues to grow,” said Julia Cameron.
“Melbourne is no different, and it will require multiple activity centres to service and employ a growing, diverse and dispersed population.”
“The VPA recognises this, and we do too. That’s why we’re growing our presence in one of Melbourne’s most important industrial centres.”
“The South East is already a key location for business activity in the city, and it will continue to be an important location for industry, particularly as local manufacturers shift towards advanced manufacturing practices.”
“We anticipate this move will see further development in connected industries, such as transport, wholesale trade and warehousing, and also see further links made between manufacturers and health and education businesses.”
According to the South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance, South East Melbourne accounts for 44 per cent of Victoria’s manufactured product.
“We see a strong future for the manufacturing industry, reflected in the fact the firm has a dedicated manufacturing practice group, with established industry and government relationships.”
“But our presence is about more than manufacturing clients. We service a range of clients across our practice areas, and across a range of industries. This office gives us the opportunity to be closer to the diverse industry based in Melbourne’s South-East, which will only continue to grow as this region develops into one of the city’s key hubs.”
“We look forward to meeting with clients over the next few months, and we’re excited to grow our presence in this vibrant region.”